Hydraulic PISTON for Crane boom cylinder

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Hydraulic PISTON for Crane boom cylinder Overview

– Hydraulic cranes rely on hydraulic cylinders to lift and move heavy loads. These cylinders use pressurized fluids (usually hydraulic oil) to generate power of lift.
– A key component within these cylinders is the **piston**.

Features of this series

Due to excellent guidance and very good sealing in both directions, these products will guarantee perfectly linear movement in the cylinder and reach the maximum operational capacity of your hydraulic cylinder. Therefore, these products are the best option for large and heavy hydraulic cylinders and high strokes.

Technical specifications and dimensions

You can see the dimensions and specifications of the internal thread of this product in the table below

Hydraulic PISTON for Crane cylinders

GDC-UP-10095x100x9,5×20100x86x22,4×5.2040×445×2100487595502435113,540 kg


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